Hypoglycaemic Property of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Hendl.) H. Robinson): A Review

Pharmacognosy Reviews,2020,14,27,37-44.
Published:June 2020
Type:Review Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Neyder Contreras-Puentes1*, Antistio Alvíz-Amador2

1Universitary Corporation Rafael Nuñez, Faculty of Sciences of Heatlh, Medicine, GINUMED, Cartagena, COLOMBIA.

2University of Cartagena, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Cartagena, COLOMBIA.


Diabetes is currently a chronically more important disease due to the high rates affecting 8.5% of the world population. The need to look for natural sources as alternative elements for the treatment of this type of diseases is of greater impetus, in which the discovery and research of new natural products has been strengthened. Currently, in integrative therapies it is common to use natural elements such as yacon, due to its extensive pharmacological properties explored as anti-oxidants, prebiotics, anti-cancer, normolipemiants, cytoprotective and mainly for its greater use as a hypoglycaemic element. Thus, in this work was carried out a systematic review of the most important scientific reports on the role of yacon in hypoglycaemic activity; likewise, to develop a conceptual expansion of the metabolites and chemical composition reported that relate to their activity in the regulation of glycaemia levels and finally relating possible mechanisms related between the presence of said metabolites and hypoglycaemic activity.

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Vancouver Style ::
N. Contreras-Puentes and Alvíz-Amador, A. , Hypoglycaemic Property of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Hendl.) H. Robinson): A Review, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 14, no. 27, pp. 37-44, 2020.