Nootropic Herbs (Medhya Rasayana) in Ayurveda: An Update

Pharmacognosy Reviews,2012,6,12,147-153.
Published:August 2012
Type:Review Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Reena Kulkarni, Girish K. J.1, Abhimanyu Kumar2

Department of Post Graduate Studies in Kaumarabhritya, 1Department of Kayachikitsa, SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, 2Department of Kaumarabhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Amer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Cognitive deficits that present with many of neuropsychiatric conditions and/or alone as developmental deficit demand use of nootropics to boost cognitive abilities. Recently there is a tremendous urge to explore medicinal plants globally for improving cognitive function owing to their less adverse effects. Ayurveda provides a list of herbs known for nootropic activity as well as their multi-dimensional utility in various conditions. Present paper is a review to update knowledge on pharmacological properties, major chemical constituents, therapeutic actions, preclinical studies, safety and possible mode of action of the selected herbs from ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Concurrently, it opens up for further research and standardization on nootropic herbs

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Vancouver Style ::
R. Kulkarni, Girish, K. J. , and Kumar, A. , Nootropic Herbs (Medhya Rasayana) in Ayurveda: An Update, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 147-153, 2012.