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S. Jagannatha, Maity, S. , Santra, A. , Kuruvalli, G. , Reddy, V. Damodara, and Golla, R. , An Updated Review on Ethnomedicinal Uses Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Couroupita guianensis, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 18, no. 36, pp. 111-116, 2024.
K. Mani, Aiyalu, R. , Thiruvengadarajan, V. S. , Arivukkarasu, R. , and Suriyapriya, K. , A Comprehensive Review of Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 17, no. 34, pp. 332-337, 2023.
N. Zareen, Venkatesh, S. , Rao, V. V. Basava, and A. Kiran, R. , A Comprehensive Review of Olax scandens Roxb. (Dheniaani), Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 17, no. 33, pp. 154-160, 2023.
P. Faimann Sales, Koga, Rde Carvalh, de Souza, A. Andrade, Nascimento, A. Lopes do, Pinheiro, F. Cavalcante, Alberto, A. Ketelem Me, da Costa, M. Jonhe, and Carvalho, J. Carlos Tav, Pharmacological Potential and Mechanisms of Action Involved in Oil Species from the Brazilian Amazon: The Case of Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench, Euterpe oleracea Martius and Bixa orellana Linné, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 17, no. 33, pp. 24-42, 2023.
T. Ahmad Sheikh, Ganie, S. Yousuf, and Reshi, M. Salim, Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Properties and Medicinal Uses of Apium leptophyllum: A Review, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 17, no. 33, pp. 135-143, 2023.
, Juliantari, E. , Roza, R. Mustika, , , and Yahya, V. Julita, Reactualiting Phanera semibifida (Roxb.) Benth. from Sumatra, Indonesia as an Anticancer Agent and Phylogenetic Position, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 16, no. 31, pp. 34-39, 2022.
D. Kwamboka Nyamboki and Wanga, L. Aketch, Review of the Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies of the Genus Ormocarpum, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 16, no. 32, pp. 95-99, 2022.
A. Clara Brit Maria, Simões, T. Reis, Ramos, Ade Souza, de Almeida, M. Martins Ha, da Silva, M. Athana Mpa, da Cruz, J. Diocesano, Ferreira, J. Luiz Pinto, Silva, J. Rocha de A. , and Amaral, A. Claudia Fe, Spondias mombin L.: An Updated Monograph, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 16, no. 31, pp. 45-61, 2022.
P. Shrirang Jamadagni, Pawar, S. D. , Jamadagni, S. B. , Gautam, M. , Gaidhani, S. N. , Prasad, G. P. , and Gurav, A. M. , Recent Updates in Research on Gymnema sylvestre, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 30, pp. 128-133, 2021.
K. Okaiyeto, Nwodo, U. U. , Mabinya, L. V. , and Okoh, A. I. , A Review on Some Medicinal Plants with Hepatoprotective Effects, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 12, no. 24, pp. 186-199, 2018.
P. Shrirang Jamadagni, Pawar, S. D. , Jamadagni, S. B. , Chougule, S. , Gaidhani, S. N. , and Murthy, S. N. , Review of Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall. ex A. DC.: Pharmacognostic, Pharmacological and Toxicological Perspective, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 11, no. 22, pp. 141-144, 2017.
H. Delaviz, Mohammadi, J. , Ghalamfarsa, G. , Mohammadi, B. , and Farhadi, N. , A Review Study on Phytochemistry and Pharmacology Applications of Juglans regia Plant, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 11, no. 22, pp. 145-152, 2017.
S. Mondal, Ghosh, D. , and Ramakrishna, K. , A Complete Profile on Blind-your-eye Mangrove Excoecaria agallocha L. (Euphorbiaceae): Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Aspects, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 123-138, 2016.
A. Dwevedi, Dwivedi, R. , and Sharma, Y. K. , Exploration of Phytochemicals Found in Terminalia sp. and their Antiretroviral Activities, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 73-83, 2016.
P. Singh Kushwaha, Singh, A. K. , Keshari, A. K. , Maity, S. , and Saha, S. , An Updated Review on the Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Trials of Salacia oblonga, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 109-114, 2016.
A. Dwevedi, Sharma, K. , and Sharma, Y. K. , Cadamba: A Miraculous Tree Having Enormous Pharmacological Implications, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 107-113, 2015.
Z. Zhang, Bian, Q. , Luo, P. , and Sun, W. , Ethnopharmacological, Chemical and Pharmacological Aspects of Halenia elliptica: A Comprehensive Review, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 114-119, 2015.
R. Kumar Yadav, Nandy, B. Chandra, Maity, S. , Sarkar, S. , and Saha, S. , Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Trial of Ficus racemosa, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 73-80, 2015.
S. Chhatre, Nesari, T. , Somani, G. , Kanchan, D. , and Sathaye, S. , Phytopharmacological Overview of Tribulus terrestris, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 45-51, 2014.
R. Srivastava, A Review on Phytochemical, Pharmacological and Pharmacognostical Profile of Wrightia tinctoria: Adulterant of Kurchi, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 36-44, 2014.
R. K. Johri, Cuminum Cyminum and Carum carvi: An update, Pharmacognosy Review, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 63-72, 2011.
Z. Kokanova-Nedialkova, Nedialkov, P. T. , and Nikolov, S. D. , The Genus Chenopodium: Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology and Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 280-306, 2009.
P. Rajesh, Selvamani, P. , Latha, S. , Saraswathy, A. , and V Kannan, R. , A Review on Chemical and Medicobiological Applications of Capparidaceae Family, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 378-387, 2009.
, Rajasekaran, A. , and Pant, J. , The Genus Berberis Linn.: A Review, Pharmacognosy Review, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 369-385, 2008.
S. Kumar, Madaan, R. , Farooq, A. , and Sharmac, A. , The Genus Pulsatilla : A Review, Pharmacognosy Review, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 116-123, 2008.
